Andrew Dolphin
E-mail: adolphin -at-

HSTphot is a photometry package specifically designed for use with HST WFPC2 data. It uses a library of Tiny Tim PSFs for different locations of the star on the camera, as well as locations of the star's center within the pixel, to center the star and to correct an aperture magnitude. HSTphot is optimized for running in undersampled conditions (like WFPC2), and could certainly be modified, given some effort, to other instruments if undersampled conditions are present. It would not be worth the effort, however, to modify HSTphot for use in non-undersampled conditions, as it would run very inefficiently.
A number of utility programs are also included with the HSTphot distribution. These utilities provide basic aligning, aperture correction, and combination features, as well as artificial star tests and analysis, radial profiles, and other uses.
HSTphot now comes with a "multiphot" program, which runs the photometry solution simultaneously on multiple images.

Download HSTphot
HSTphot 1.1 sources (updated 8 September 2009)
HSTphot 1.1 manual (also included in sources)
HSTphot paper (from PASP website)
WFPC2 calibration paper (from PASP website)
Updated calibrations
HSTphot 1.0 sources
Precomputed PSFs
F122M PSF library
F160BW PSF library
F170W PSF library
F185W PSF library
F218W PSF library
F255W PSF library
F300W PSF library
F336W PSF library
F343N PSF library
F375N PSF library
F380W PSF library
F390N PSF library
F410M PSF library
F437N PSF library
F439W PSF library
F450W PSF library
F467M PSF library
F469N PSF library
F487N PSF library
F502N PSF library
F547M PSF library
F555W PSF library
F569W PSF library
F588N PSF library
F606W PSF library
F622W PSF library
F631N PSF library
F656N PSF library
F658N PSF library
F673N PSF library
F675W PSF library
F702W PSF library
F785LP PSF library
F791W PSF library
F814W PSF library
F850LP PSF library
F953N PSF library
F1042M PSF library